Comment 0 for bug 381059

Revision history for this message
Craig (candrews-integralblue) wrote : use compcache by default

Including compcache by default can have a number of benefits for the average, and not so average, Ubuntu user.

For the average user, compcache will decrease disk swapping, which will increase perceived performance and decrease hits, which for laptop users will improve battery life. Since many users use laptops and netbooks these days, this is a big audience and would make many people happy. Desktop users will also benefit, as their disks will be less active and their electric bills may go down a tiny bit.

For the not-so-average user, such as those that run virtualization, they can run more VMs. With Ubuntu striving to be bigger in the server space, this could be a big deal. For me, I (unfortunately) run Windows in KVM, and it appears that enabling compcache improves my VM's performance.

Embedded devices and netbooks (such as those that run Ubuntu Netbook Remix) will benefit, as they have little RAM, and since compcache sort of increases RAM, it will make these devices more capable.

Since compcache is already in the Ubuntu kernel (see bug 200765), the only thing left is to either add an initramfs script or a udev script (IMHO, the udev approach is cleaner) as described here:

