Comment 4 for bug 364435

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Leann Ogasawara (leannogasawara) wrote :

I'm slightly confused with this bug report. The bug title and attached dbug files indicate a bug regarding upgrading:

Specifically DpkgTerminalLog.gz shows:

"Merging changes into the new version

 Conflicts found! Please edit `/var/run/grub/menu.lst' and sort them out manually.
 The file `/var/run/grub/menu.lst.ucf-new' has a record of the failed merge of the configuration file.

User postinst hook script [/sbin/update-grub] exited with value 3"

That error indicates this is a duplicate of bug 269539. However, reading the bug description and additional comments, this seems to be about a printer issue? So can you clarify which bug this is about? Thanks.