Comment 43 for bug 360378

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cobra2020 (edragan) wrote :

It seems like I'm the only one still suffering from this problem. I got a new laptop a couple of weeks ago and I installed Ubuntu 10.4 (netbook edition) on it. I've been saddled with the problem described above ever since! Tried changing the delay and replacing the UUID in grub with 'root=/dev/sda1'. Actually, using dev/sda1 in grub "got me around" the problem, BUT the boot became almost 4 minutes AND I'm losing every app I install since the previous boot (i.e. if I install Google Chrome, the next time I restart all traces of it are gone).

I am COMPLETELY new to linux/ubunu. Been a Windows user all my life, just thought I'd give this a try...

I tried to do what Rick Silva described in #26 above, BUT I couldn't locate that file on the bootable USB drive. I did locate a broken like to where the file should have been, however. Not sure what that means... I'm booting off the USB just fine...

If anyone has specific ideas about how I should go about solving my issue, I'm all ears! Please remember that I'm COMPLETELY new to this :-), but willing to learn new things.