Comment 237 for bug 355155

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Andreas Kielkopf (a-kielkopf) wrote : Re: Clocksource tsc unstable leads to lockups in Ubuntu Jaunty

After readig all above, i want to tell you:

When running 4 cores there were diffrent stalls/freezes

1) The system hangs suddenly. No Mouse, No Keyboard, No ssh, only power off by hardware !!!
2) The system suddenly does not respond to mouseclicks, but mouse moves work sometimes, Numlock worked ONCE, but then No Keyboard any more.
3) I had an open Htop. Suddenly it showed 1 core 100% load. There it stayed.
    I tryd to find who this was, but soon after this, one core after the other stopped to >>freeze

so maybe this error stopps one of the cores(task) at a point where all other cores have to stop later, because the first core(task) has claimed some system recources, and will never give it back again.

While the other cores do not need this resource, they will work further for some time, but at some point there will be a other task, which will need it ... And so step by step the system stalls

Since 1 run singlecore i did not have any freeze
(but this is very odd. having 4cores, and disabling 3 of them because i have to do some work)