Comment 20 for bug 315809

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Andrew Smart ( wrote :

Now, it looks to me like that script started like that should be stopped before the system halts/reboots:
sudo update-rc.d -f alsa-utils remove
sudo update-rc.d alsa-utils start 50 2 S . stop 50 0 6 .

But this results in the mute on system boot. By removing the "stop" links to the script, the system is not always muted on boot (I think it restores the volume levels before the reboot). Though, I assume removing the "stop" links leaves alsa-utils in an unstable state when the system halt occurs.

Consider stopping and starting alsa-utils (I don't know if you need to do it as root or not, though I get an error if I am not root when stopping):
/etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop
/etc/init.d/alsa-utils start

I seem to get weird behavior when stopping then starting alsa-utils again. No sound comes from my system when the main channel is unmuted. Fixable by a reboot...