Comment 14 for bug 303601

Revision history for this message
ropers (ropers) wrote : Re: [Bug 303601] Re: REISUB is broken

2009/5/8 Michael Jones <email address hidden>:
> How exactly are you able to verify that when you received the information
> from a website that undoubtedly modified the input it was given to be
> correctly represented internally, and then transmitted to be displayed on an
> unknown browser that operates on an unknown operating system?

Oh cop on. *You* provided the info. It would have been proper for
*you* to verify that what you're posting is actually useful and
doesn't contain erroneous characters. It ain't rocket science. I
checked the characters you provided and detected that they were wrong;
you ought to have done just that, *before posting them*. But hey, we
all make mistakes, so it's entirely understandable and forgivable --
just don't be defensive about your little screw-up.

> My suggestion is that a user types the xorg.conf information into xorg.conf
manually. its only a few lines, and alleviates any issue with correct type

My suggestion is that you're more diligent next time and don't try to
pass the buck and blame for your mistakes to others.