Comment 7 for bug 303363

Revision history for this message
Xavier Robin (jti-533g) wrote :

Same problem here.
I had previously manually modified my menu.lst to add booting option to ubuntu 8.04. However, the previous kernel update (2.6.27-9-generic) ran smoothly with these modifications.
When I saw there was problem I fist backed up my menu.lst. I attach it here as *menu.lst-bak-2009-01-31.xavier*.

Then I used the "merge 3 files" options, then something crashed (don't know exactly what) and I clicked on the notification toolbar button. In the update progress window I got errors saying that the kernel wasn't configured. I will attach output in *apt.log*.

Then in synaptic I reinstalled linux-image-generic and it worked fine. Log attached as *apt2.log*

Finally I looked in my menu.lst and it was still unmodified. So I duplicated the 8 lines for "2.6.27-9-generic" and changed it to "2.6.27-11-generic". Now I'm going to try to reboot and see if it is working.