Comment 3 for bug 296663

Revision history for this message
Margate (margate) wrote :

Thanks for quick response.

1. Fn-F1 should toggle Wireless LAN on/off

2. From

    Method 1 does not work for Fn-F1

    Method 2
       sudo showkey -u | tee -a hotkey-log.txt
         -u is invalid switch
         -k returns only keycode 28 release after 10 seconds
         -s returns 0x9c and nothing else.

    Method 3 there is no /var/log/acpid file, I did a "whereis acpid" and found nothing except for binaries

    Method 4 nothing happens when using xev for this key combination

3. sudo dmidecode -s system-manufacturer
    sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name
    AMILO Notebook Pa 3515
    sudo dmidecode -s system-version

I think the issue is that a interrupt at least should be generated before a magic number shows up in one or all 4 test methods.

Note: More information regarding Q3 in attached HalComputerInfo.txt
Note: Fn-F1 works with delivered Vista Home edition, so there should be no reason to suspect HW, FW or BIOS issue.

Kind Regards