Comment 92 for bug 290153

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beyond (cwietelman) wrote :

I'm exhausted. I wanted to try out Ubuntu after going back to Windows a few months ago. I DL and burned Ubuntu Ultimate 2.0. I am aware of problems with bad burns (been there), so I burned the disk at 2X.

Popped the DVD in yesterday and came up with this error also. I have spent the last 24 hours, almost straight, troubleshooting everything I could imagine. I am a computer tech, and I do have a little experience with Ubuntu and other Debian based distros. For what I do know about Debian and Ubuntu, NOTHING worked for me.

First I thought it was a HDD issue, so I swapped drives...4 of them and all IDE. Nothing, busy-bastard error every time. I read through some forums and tried all the posted workarounds...nothing again.

Tried then different DVD drives...same on all. (There is some speculation that bad DVD drives are to blame...BS)

Something interesting though; On one occasion I pressed F6 to edit the boot command, I took out the quiet splash command and pressed enter. It showed the modules initiating and giving a general "OK" to everything, until it got to my USB 2.0 hub. There it froze and immediately gave the bastard box error. Conflict/error while loading the USB driver or hub?

Anyone resolve this by removing a USB mouse and/or keyboard and using PS2? Just a though...probably nothing.

When I am at the initramfs error and I type exit I get a listing of root directories that are not "found", but this IS a live CD, as I am not trying to install the OS, yet. Seems like maybe* the live cd is not able to create those virtual directories...for whatever reason.

My burn is good, burned at 2X. Memory test comes back fine. I run TinyMe, Puppy and Backtrack 2&3 on this hardware on a regular basis. Also installed Ubuntu 8.10 just a couple of months ago...NEVER any problems like this. I LOVE Ubuntu and am very fond of the Ultimate builds,,, but this is a little more than discouraging.

Another reason I know this DVD is "Good". I installed this on VMware with both the .iso image, and the DVD it's self as the source. No problems and it runs find on VMWare. Oh yea... I did FIRST get the initramfs error, but by default VMWare creates every virtual disk as SCSI. I went back and switch that to IDE, fired up VMWare and no problems.

If I had a SATA or SCSI drive, I would try that... but hell. Im tired. Frustrated.

Here is a rundown of my hardware. Maybe it will help...someone. If you have similar hardware and you find a workaround... email or message me.

3.0GHz Pentium 4HT - Prescott
Foxconn 661FX
Maxtor 260GB IDE HDD
Western Digital 180GB IDE HDD
512MB ATI Saphire X1650 Pro
Sony DVD-RW AW-Q170A

If you need more details on hardware, see attachment.