Comment 27 for bug 281949

Revision history for this message
Jeff (jeffmart) wrote :

Ok. Another "same-here". I tried everything. Downgrade bluez4 to bluez3 (hardy repositories). Compile bluez4 from source. Downgrade openobex (and obex* packages). But nothing: no bluetooth common functions.

I am using Ubuntu 8.10, but with kde4 (without kubuntu-desktop package. I have my own desktop config). In some combination, like using all packages from launchpad/blueman repositories and bluetooth-applet running despite kdebluetooth4, I got pairing working well. But just it.

No sending or receiving files nor all other (headsets, bluetooth modem...). And I suspect that problem
is bluetooth stack, because I had this behavior after a upgrade in another machine, that was running
OpenSUSE 11.1. After a bluetooth stack update, tilt! But then I did not pay attention...

What really is desperate-me is the fact that bluetooth is completely broke in Intrepid, for some comments in other forums/lists, too in jaunty, in another dists, but nobody (understanding: developers) is commenting many about...