Comment 299 for bug 252094

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Pablo Estigarribia (pablodav) wrote :

I had many many issues with this intel gm965/gl960 video card before (with ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10)

*It didn't support opengl 2.1
*lot of graphics errors on it's interface
*Google earth worked really bad, windows "collapsed" and things strange

With ubuntu 9.04 now I can work with opengl 2.1 but in it's default installation, it still had error 2 and 3 and also I experienced some performance issues.
With it's default installation glxgears gives me only 60 FPS in my laptop (Too bad).

After add Option "AccelMethod" "UXA" in my xorg.conf file glxgears starts working arround 400 FPS (more than 4 times improved the speed) and all errors before are fixed.
I don't know exactly why it happens, but when I added Option "AccelMethod" "UXA" to my xorg.conf everything seems to be working fine and google earth works great!

Is it a fix for this issue or just a work arround?