Comment 297 for bug 252094

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Ivan Stetsenko (stetzen) wrote :

  Sergiy Zuban wrote 49 minutes ago: (permalink)

So since I'm running on GEM-enabled kernel/driver/xserver why we again get huge regression after several months of work?

GEM is not used by intel drivers by default yes. As for now, it need to be enabled manually by adding line
Option "AccelMethod" "UXA"

to the device section of xorg.conf. It does not work perfectly yet, but you'll get reasonable performance (about 400 fps on glxgears) and working DRI2. There are some painful bugs with it (ctrl-alt-f* console does not work, and suspend/hibernate is broken, plus some minor problems with compiz), but it is better (IMHO) than jaunty EXA acceleration (50 fps, no suspend/hibernate, no DRI2) and there is still some work going, so the things will be improving. There is some kernel work going as well, so 2.6.29 kernel should work better with intel video.

There are major architecture changes going within a whole graphics system, so yes, things are broken. Hope this period of chaos is moving to its end :)