Comment 11 for bug 226397

Revision history for this message
Aesaert Wim (wim-aesaert) wrote :


I have the same problem on my Toshiba Satellite L350D-10i laptop.

case 1) When I boot the laptop into Kubuntu Intrepid, sometimes the fan speed works good and changes accordingly to the cpu temp. This never causes my system to hang or stall. Even not when I try to compile a vanilla kernel.

case 2) When I boot the laptop into Kubuntu Intrepid, sometimes the fan speed runs at a constant low speed, no matter what the cpu temp. is. This causes my system to stall when I do some cpu intensive tasks (like compiling a vanilla kernel), but luckily it allows me to work without problems when I just send some mail or surf the net.

case 1 and case 2 happen in a kernel I compiled myself. I enabled some Toshiba options and I also changed some things on the ACPI and CPU settings. Most changes involve power and sensor settings. = kernel

only case 2 happens on kernel 2.6.27-7-generic an 2.6.27-9-generic, which are the ones that came with intrepid.

In the attachment i tarred 8 files. All are from the vanilla kernel but 4 are from case 1 (fan-changeable-speed) and 4 are from case 2 (fan-constant-low-speed).

case 1

case 2

If you want more info or i need to test something for you, I'm happy to do that.

