Comment 9 for bug 214019

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Christoph Klaffl (z3r0c00l) wrote :

Hey Simon,

I don't want to compile my own kernel :-) I was thinking about this topic in hardy too because off the wlan driver (there was/is a patch available which makes the wlan working in kernel version 2.6.24-19). And I just found out that some parts of the power management are working (when I unplug the notebook, the battery state and levels are shown :-)). So the last problem which exists is hibernation which worked in hardy fine but here in intrepid it doesn't (I think the problem is the kernel or/and the noapic option)

But the system is now perfectly setup beside the one problem. Now I can give it to my girlfriend (It's her notebook, she won it three days ago :-), and she wants to try a linux operation system because I am so fascinated about it :-D, I'm very interested if she can work with it because she isn't very computer literate ;-) )

Maybe a coming kernel update in the repos will fix this problem ;-)

Thanks for your advice
