Comment 42 for bug 205653

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Chris Coulson (chrisccoulson) wrote :

Guys - this bug report is going to get difficult for people to triage because of the number of people 'confirming' the same symptoms. The symptoms you are all describing could have multiple causes The more people post (and the more hardware permutations are thrown in), the more difficult it is going to become to solve.

I've had a look through this report, and I can summarize the following:

5 of you with these symptoms are using a Ralink card (rt61pci driver?) - kastyk, David Burke, Nick Russell, Barrakketh and quadomatic. Both David Burke and Nick Russell have pretty much confirmed that the issue goes away when removing the wireless card. Could the other three do something similar and post the findings please? If you all report the same, then this points to an issue with the Ralink driver you are using, which should be covered by this bug report.

This means that other people should probably open up a new bug report, and post exact details of the hardware (output of lspci -vvnn, uname -a etc...)

Mark Mandel - you are not using the Ralink chipset, so if this bug report points to Ralink you might be better off opening a new report. I notice you have NVIDIA graphics. Could you disable the NVIDIA binary driver to see if it goes away? I see from your logs that you are also running VMWare. Does the issue go away if you stop the VMWare modules from loading (I'm not sure of the best way to do this other than uninstalling VMWare).

Dylan McCall - you say yourself that you have entirely different hardware, so your crash may not be connected. You also state that you see a jump in load before the crash. How do you know that this is not a crashing Xorg as opposed to a hard lock? You say Alt+SysRq+1 and Alt+SysRq+t do nothing, but then I don't think you would see any effect if Xorg has crashed. Are you absolutely certain that your machine is completely unresponsive? Can you try Alt+SysRq+REISUB after the crash to see if the machine reboots?

jaarik - Again, you have identified a different pattern to other people here. You claim it only happens when your USB hid mouse is used, and you say the LED's on your keyboard don't blink. As I said to Dylan, are you absolutely sure this is a hard freeze and not a crashing Xorg? If you have a spare box, can you still SSH in to the crashed machine?

I'm not saying that you definately aren't all affected by the same issue, but from having a glance through, I think there could be multiple issues here. As this bug report grows and grows, its going to get more difficult for developers to solve.

For other people wanting to add 'me too' on this report, please bare in mind that although your symptoms are the same, it may not be the same issue.