Comment 40 for bug 2056461

Revision history for this message
In , kip (kip-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

I'm having a bit of trouble getting your commands to work. I'm assuming the first two lines are one command wrapped, and the third line is its own?

I'm also assuming I should also replace hello_2.10-3.dsc with hello_2.10-3build2.dsc on my system, and the sid image with autopkgtest-noble-amd64.img.

When I try to run the first command I see:

$ sudo TMPDIR=$PWD autopkgtest -ddd -U ./hello_2.10-3build2.dsc -- autopkgtest-virt-qemu --debug --s

autopkgtest: DBG: autopkgtest options: Namespace(override_control=None, only_tests=[], skip_tests=None, built_binaries=True, packages=['./hello_2.10-3build2.dsc'], output_dir=None, logfile=None, summary=None, verbosity=2, setup_commands=['(O=$(bash -o pipefail -ec \'apt-get update | tee /proc/self/fd/2\') ||{ [ "${O%404*Not Found*}" = "$O" ] || exit 100; sleep 15; apt-get update; } || { sleep 60; apt-get update; } || false) && $(command -v eatmydata || true) apt-get dist-upgrade -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" && $(command -v eatmydata || true) apt-get --purge autoremove -y'], setup_commands_boot=[], add_apt_sources=[], add_apt_releases=[], pin_packages=[], apt_pocket=[], apt_default_release=None, enable_apt_fallback=True, copy=[], env=[], ignore_restrictions=[], user=None, gainroot=None, shell_fail=False, shell=False, timeout=0, timeout_short=None, timeout_copy=None, timeout_install=None, timeout_test=None, timeout_build=None, timeout_factor=1.0, set_lang=None, auto_control=True, build_parallel=None, needs_internet='run', validate=False)
autopkgtest: DBG: virt-runner arguments: ['autopkgtest-virt-qemu', '--debug', '--s']
autopkgtest: DBG: actions: [('source', './hello_2.10-3build2.dsc', True)]
autopkgtest: DBG: build binaries: True
autopkgtest: DBG: testbed init
autopkgtest [10:33:25]: starting date and time: 2024-06-14 10:33:25-0700
autopkgtest [10:33:25]: version 5.35
autopkgtest [10:33:25]: host kip-desktop; command line: /usr/bin/autopkgtest -ddd -U ./hello_2.10-3build2.dsc -- autopkgtest-virt-qemu --debug --s
usage: autopkgtest-virt-qemu [-h] [--qemu-architecture QEMU_ARCHITECTURE]
                             [--dpkg-architecture DPKG_ARCHITECTURE]
                             [-q QEMU_COMMAND] [-o OVERLAY_DIR] [-u USER]
                             [-p PASSWORD] [-c CPUS] [--ram-size RAM_SIZE]
                             [--timeout-reboot SECONDS] [--show-boot]
                             [--timeout-poweroff SECONDS] [-d]
                             [--qemu-options QEMU_OPTIONS] [--baseimage]
                             [--boot {auto,bios,efi,ieee1275,none}] [--efi]
                             images [images ...]
autopkgtest-virt-qemu: error: the following arguments are required: images
autopkgtest: DBG: sending command to testbed: auxverb_debug_fail
autopkgtest: DBG: TestbedFailure cannot send to testbed: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
autopkgtest: DBG: testbed stop
autopkgtest: DBG: testbed close, scratch=None
autopkgtest: DBG: sending command to testbed: quit
autopkgtest: DBG: TestbedFailure cannot send to testbed: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
autopkgtest: DBG: testbed stop
autopkgtest: DBG: auxverb_debug_fail failed: cannot send to testbed: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
autopkgtest: DBG: TestbedFailure unexpected eof from the testbed
autopkgtest: DBG: testbed stop
autopkgtest [10:33:25]: ERROR: testbed failure: unexpected eof from the testbed
autopkgtest: DBG: testbed stop