Comment 24 for bug 204010

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Clemens Hupka (clemens) wrote :

Mark, i can confirm that the problem ist present on amd64 AND i386... Tested both of them a few days ago.

Both (amd64 and i386) are working with 2.6.22-14-xen from gutsy on domU and 2.6.24-12-xen from hardy-beta on dom0 with xen3.2 following the steps described in the initial bug report....

And quite stable for a couple of days now...

In my opinion, the xennet driver has a problem. I found out that packets are going out from domU (TX are getting on the bridge, arp-whohas at least) but no replies are comming into the domU (RX stays 0, even if the replys get on the bridge, as well as a couple of Broadcasts)

So long,