Comment 29 for bug 1990750

Revision history for this message
Ubfan (ubfan1) wrote :

Yesterday, running the 5.19.0-35 kernel and Nvidia 525.76... driver, an update held back several Nvidia 525 packages (the 525.85.05 versions). That in itself was not a problem, but the existing Nvidia modules for that kernel got deleted! Rebooting, the laptop was running off the intel GPU. The Software & Updates/Additional Drivers thought the nvidia 525 driver was selected and in use, but lsmod did not show it, and anything needing the nvidia modules like nvidia-settings or nvidia-smi could not communicate with the driver (the .ko driver files in /lib/modules/5.19.0-35-generic/kernel/nvidia-525 were missing. Booting a former kernel (with the 525.76.. driver still worked. Rather than forcing the issue (doing an explicit install of the held back nvidia packages), I just waited a day, and the phasing (which was at 70%) caught up, the sudo apt full-upgrade succeeded, the modules got rebuilt, and everything worked again. Just wait a bit and see if things correct themselves when you run the upgrade.