Comment 0 for bug 1978488

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chris (gripfastistech) wrote :

Upgraded to 22.04 LTS (20.04 no issues).

Using Nvidia 4xx series driver. 48GB RAM, dual 1080ti gpu, i7 cpu.

LibreOffice Writer constantly lags, losing function, freezes (does not crash) with any type of writer document (odt or xslx). New single page or existing multi-page documents, doesn't matter, same issue after a minute or two. Hates text selection, mouse-wheel scrolling is a tell-tale sign. New Writer windows opened during lag are black. CPU usage in htop is very high for soffice.bin, ~60 - 80%. Must pkill the soffice.bin and use file recover but lag freeze up will occur again soon after opening.

I experience the issue with all three installation methods: snap, distro command-line install, or using the LibreOffice ppa "fresh".

I've tried changing OpenCL settings, disabling all extensions, disable smooth scrolling, disabling java, have purged install/reinstall and limiting to single window. I have the Marco ppa installed (ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/marco). Doesn't seem to matter or what mate-tweak option is selected. LO using Yaru or other theme; doesn't matter same effect.

Terminal does not show me any helpful errors when Writer is called directly from command line, at least I can easily identify.

Guessing this is upstream of MATE and a libreoffice thing; a few similar issues around the web but no good workaround.

I can update my exact specs and kernel later as required.
