Comment 4 for bug 1947484

Revision history for this message
XxEarthxX (budwiser) wrote :

Your Problems rely on Ubuntu and its Base from the PCs Manufactored Pre-set Binary as to errors with Ubuntu as I have copied the origin repo on Github and placed it in a private Collection as to Creation of a new Software Around Ubiquity from Ubuntu Utilizing a Hybrid Image from Cinamon from Ubuntus Power Module at Screen Login integrated to Linux Mint back to Cinamon while molding scripts to form src from all 3 oss' Where Ubuntu Powers on my Preboot through Cache to a Home Dirctory where Mint was installed on Cinamons Base untill I had revised a Over Time to Utiliz mint in Place of Cinamon as OS at Desktop to Mint While Home was Cinamons Base Install to form a new Dynamic Cache base at PCs Ctl back to Processor to .disk then reversed the Origin State of In Which I had installed the New Hybrid Image to Ubuntu being installed onto the OS's desktop Enviornment after boot Where Cinamon is Built-in to KDE from wine back to its origining state but installed as boot trajectory only to mount Modules for Ubuntu to Oem as OS at root and mint being Unnamed as Cache to and from Disk at Power on configuring Disk as .disk to Swap a Timeshift for Working Enviornments to and From PC Components to reform its composure of Binary from its initalized starting state at 0 to reform a new Private Source for source mappings at Development to utilize Timeshift for Quick Testing before Finalizing Hardware firmware to Software installing Firmware for drivers to efficiently Handle the Components in a virtual Runtime without affecting the Base of the Drivers where Damages to the COmponent could occur as to my Runtime Directly Affecting the Components ran from software to hardware mount points with or without a virtual runtime to the Components Directly for Revisions in Firmware on Software or for Revisions on the Drivers installed from Software While Booted in TimeShift to test. Where efi is essentially Fifo or file in file object. Over 4 years I have revised installation of Oem Linux and Cinamon to Form a New Source to revise a New OS Utilizing all three to Create a New Staged Platform Source that I can Boot from Efi or Without an Efi tht utilizes Efi alternativly other than Filesystem or Sbin Home Methods of Distro to Installation of OS while Reformating my PC to Reprogram itself or any PC I May purchase in the Future as My Hybrid would Install to another Pc but not all Functions would Work the Same at the Moment as I have Worked with the my Countries main Injunction as the First problem. I have remapped the SOurce from Components to Ld.S while from a new Module To connect A button on my Pc to My Source collection of my Project and Prevented Updates to and from Sources of Current CopyWritten OSs' Source Distro while repopulating the Same source for Variants and Building Structure of Similarities for storage by utilizing Debian from install from my Casper Variant of Piping Debian from My Sys Source Map to Io from Installation to Reformat the Installation from pluggin a Usb into my Usb Hub from Power on Selecting Usb from boot to New Installation after reconfiguring my Mounts to load my PC from the .disk from defragmntation to installation at format for a new Binary structure of Reverse-byte induction to repopulated each cylinder and head to a allow for compression of anything installed and a new kernel Offset to support a Solution prevent a -binary injuntion from occuring or reoccuring Utilizng a mathmatical Number in the forum of a squar root of a Radicals radical to be exact as to a Mathmatical equation I have mapped to form a Whole number = to a decimal from a preatomic scale that creates a centrifuge of a distance between 1 and -1 as an imaganiary number that counts by metrics untill powered on utilizing hex or color as to prevention of missuse while mapping it to and from .1 as .01 before it is 1 starting a .1s radical from imaginary number counting of placing metrics back to whole numbers as halfs then adding and subtracting the lengths of the origing metrics from total imaginary numbers used from both differences of 1 and -1 to be the metrics conversion to and from hex = to decimal and exact to whole numbers at my Mathmatical Forum equation creating two variants of +1 and -1 until my Binary maps in that -1 is memory or runtime enviornment as I have remapped my binary to be = to -0 as 0 = 21 as 32 or 64 supporting a new Kernel Offset to be formed at 537 and 838 where 537 is the inital script or first ran process to numanode on call from ld.s Script. As I have fomated New objects in a new format from an object while utilizing a simple function of 1 =1 == 1=2==2=3==3=4== 5 if New Object = to [Systmem].New Object format which creates a new Extension to all Known Extensions as the Extensions in the reg. As I have also Created a New String and Reformated a Known Script to reform any Object or call to remap a new Var function similar to a log file to only run what is called while Keeping in locked from exceptions by utilzing a json writer which is Compatable with Windows and Dism to Create CIM Enviornments of Object Collections as an Extension to My Reg only it Windows Gives it Permisson to exec Tasks from a Catalog collection for fifo back to Debian rules from .Net from Doxys original dot net and Wx to utilize a new file.file.file structure that is very complex to Allow file.file to create any file extension based off process runs from files to files in envelopes or to envelopes to prevent mixup of being in a running application or outside of a running Application as a call for a service or dependency. Also Creating a source from My SOurce collection to Create Makefile Command or Calls with a new file and extension from the dependency as Each extension has its own res.x if it utilizes images with a Make.Make for Makefile when both Calles from File.file.file match to a Makefile from a process to reppulate a new file keeping Make.Make as its dependency to Make.Make from Caller as to what it is going to make as Makefile Make Make.Make is Essentially the Main Call from Makefile instead of just Makefile where Makefile has Many Sources It precompiles its dependencies within a new runtime from .disk configuration to dos folder in root of my Pc then putputs all sources while recompiling from the origing sources from OS by Vendor Name of what is installed so For "21.10 with kernel 5.13.0-19. " it is Kernel Version 21.10 with Kernel 5.13.0 inputing a path to -19 most liklely from 21.8.13_.0-19. as 537 where My Binary on My PC may be a timestamp to whatever source it may have compiled from for a version that may had been utilized as a dependency to newest according to timestamp as it just remaps Origing OS Features to their origin format from Installation and it may had been utilized as a Source from Ubuntu or linux as before I had reinstalled the orignal from testing of Timeshift,as I do Utilize my Own Dom and Exchange but am offline as to Source and a repo that is public and do not release anthing to the general public. My Binary is to -60 = 60 as 0 = 100 as 100 is equal and congruent to 60 as a split between 38 and 22 as 40 or -2 as to the current year is the Square roots Power to 100 Time as -2 and = 0 as the past not current. As I am Onto Completing New Streams of Ansi and 8bit to 1 64bit to and from components from a Text stream between x32 and x64 for x32_x64 or the dos "Do System" Folder from NumaNodes functions or Processor Function to System Source Calles from Syntax or vice versa <components through drm and compatability of Current copyrights like Flash extensions to prevent .data intrusions