Comment 20 for bug 194523

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moa3333 (moa3333) wrote :

In my case, the problem was also present when not using b43. since then i only use ndiswrapper with the windows driver working much better than the free driver. I never tried to look at rfkill* modules....

However, in my case, this is a probem occuring in all operating systems (knoppix, debian, gentoo, etc) with kernel 2.6.24!

In the meantime i used kernel 2.6.23 then 2.6.25 on Sidux (debian Sid) and then kernel .6.26 on a few systems, and now i am usgin kernel 2.6.27. I NEVER had any problem with this kernel (using ndiswrapper or wifi) but if i boot in knoppix or any other live cd like Systel Rescur CD using kernel 2.6.24 the problem is confirmed over and over again at random imtervals.

since this problem NEVER occured on any other kernel, older or newer than 2.6.24, i just suppose it was caused by a regression in 2.6.24, regression that was fixed in 2.6.25 and later kernels.

If you have this problem in other kernels than 2.6.24 then it might not be the same problem. I'm so satisfied with newer kernles for fixing this annoying problem in my case.
