Comment 5 for bug 1942299

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Chris Guiver (guiverc) wrote (last edit ): Re: On booting (or wake from suspend) Ubuntu/Lubuntu impish daily - cd/dvd tray ejects

Ubuntu daily today on same
- dell [optiplex] 780 (c2q-q9400, 8gb, amd/ati cedar radeon hd 5000/6000/7350/8350)

** First boot (eject on boot)
First boot; and CD/DVD ejects most likely just before plymouth (real life drew my attention away from box; I looked back when I heard tray being ejected & plymouth was then visible; it hadn't been before hand)...

** Second boot (no eject on boot; eject on wake-from-suspend)
Second boot; CD/DVD tray did NOT eject this time at boot !?

I played a little; then suspended system; it was sat idle as I looked out window at galahs/corella feeding briefly

On waking from suspend - CD/DVD tray ejects.. as it's been doing on my PRIMARY workstation (dell d960 optiplex)

I did a second suspend (but forgot to close tray; oh well)... waited and on wake the CD/DVD tray inserted itself at the start of the resume .. box recovered (music started, paused, continued) then CD/DVD tray ejected again.

I closed tray, let box sit awhile (looked at birds), then suspended third time..
Waited (look out windows), resumed and sound start/stops until it's resumed correctly but not before CD/DVD tray has ejected again.