Comment 0 for bug 1921870

Revision history for this message
bugproxy (bugproxy) wrote :

Description: tools/kvm_stat: Add restart delay
Symptom: If the kvm service is enabled and the system rebooted,
               Systemd's initial attempt to start the kvm unit file may
               fail in case the kvm module is not loaded. However, once the
               kvm module is loaded, the service is _not_ started.
Problem: Since the unit file does not specify a delay for the retries,
               Systemd restarts with a minimum delay a number of times
               before giving up and disabling the service. Which means a
               subsequent kvm module load will have kvm running without
Solution: Add an appropriate delay in the unit file.
Reproduction: (1) Enable the kvm service via systemctl
               (2) Reboot
               (3) Verify that the kvm module is not loaded & kvm service
                   not running
               (4) Load the kvm module via 'modprobe kvm'
               (5) Verify that the kvm service came up within the next
Preventive: yes

Just use the attached patch and you're good!