Comment 40 for bug 1894017

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Enrico Lumetti (doppioandante) wrote (last edit ):

Hello, this also happens on my laptop, Lenovo l390 Yoga. My "cat /sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_type" is 31, my laptop is indeed convertible.
I have verified that everything is broken on
1) Xorg, gnome or KDE
2) sddm
but it works on
1) gdm3
2) wayland

What doesn't work: my keyboard doesn't work, the fn lock led is permanently on, my caps lock led doesn't turn on when I press caps lock, the physical touchpad buttons don't work.
My touchpad tap and tracking work, and also my touchscreen.

I can login into wayland by carefully using the on screen Qt keyboard of SDDM. If by chance I press any keyboard key, asin comment #34, I get a stream of characters inside whatever prompt is focused that makes it impossible to login (same thing happens on focused prompts if I log into X11).

I tried using evemu inside wayland as suggested in #38, and I found the switch for tablet mode, which looks correct to me. I wonder what would happen inside X11, but I don't have an external keyboard to test this atm.

I tried the intel_vbtn blacklist thing, but it didn't make a difference.

How is it possible that when logging into Wayland the problem disappears?