Comment 0 for bug 1892546

Revision history for this message
bugproxy (bugproxy) wrote :

-- Problem Description --
drmgr command is failing while trying to open console for IBMi.

Log snap shot:
Please make sure you have specified a valid locale (check your NLSPATH and LANG environment variables. Your application will use english as the default. 2
07/15/20 16:01:25.393.531 UTC DEBUG pvmutil[12687.70366696995648]: (common/util/HmclDrmgrHelper.cpp:1036) Command /usr/sbin/pvmdrmgr drmgr -c slot -s 'U9080.MHE.218BA37-V1-C8' -r -w 3 returned 255. Additional messages: /usr/sbin/pvmdrmgr drmgr -c slot -s 'U9080.MHE.218BA37-V1-C8' -r -w 3
Validating I/O DLPAR capability...yes.
failed to open /sys/bus/pci/slots/U9080.MHE.218BA37-V1-C8/power: No such file or directory
failed to disable hotplug children
Isolation failed for 30000008 with -9001
Valid outstanding translations exist.

---Steps to Reproduce---
 Create a VM from PowerVC on a Novalink managed host. Unmanage and manage the VM, this problem gets reproduced

I've tested a proposed fix and it does fix both the -9001 isolation errors after DLPAR remove and vterm state is still open, as well as the /dev/hcvsX index changing after a DLPAR remove/add. I will get that patch sent out to the upstream mailing list for merging.

Patch submitted upstream:

https://<email address hidden>/T/#u