Comment 0 for bug 1861300

Revision history for this message
xenoxis (xenoxis) wrote : Data Corruption with Sil 3114 and 3124 controlleur

Silicon Image 3114 and 3124 seems to have data corruption at writing data (particularly with big files or when the writing concern lot of files).
I used a PCI card with the Sil 3114 chip, on copying files and directories from a HDD to an another, data corruption appears and seems to be random in files.
But every checks about the computer (RAM, HDD ...) have gone right.
Don't know what happening really, but I supposed that the module which control the Sil 3114 (and so the Sil 3124, cause this module was written from the 3114's module) contain a bug.

I have already posted a question : with more precisions about what have done until now.

Running Ubuntu 16.04 server i386 with Linux Kernel 4.4.211.