Comment 78 for bug 1851518

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jhubuntu20 (jhubuntu20) wrote :


Some thoughts based on what I did today. I did make a recording (twice to make sure I didn't do it poorly) of the VM boot process. So from the time the VM initializes until you first see the win 10 desktop. To my surprise there is only 1 single CORB command during that process. It is this line and it is issued ~2173 times during the boot sequence of the vm :

CORB[45] = 0x0 (caddr:0x0 nid:0x0 control:0x0 param:0x0)

So I don't think that was super helpful, other than it leads me to believe that the audio device and speakers are not initialized until needed, which might help shrink our search a bit. I next took a simple 9 second wav file and placed it on the desktop. I (trying 3 times to make sure it was reproducible) booted the VM, cleared the logs, and then clicked on the sound file to play it with media player. It does play through the speakers, so it seems like this data will have what we need. I was also concerned that if the driver is enabled JIT then perhaps it also disables it again when the sound ends, so I devised a way to capture just the CORB commands between the time I clicked on the file and I first heard sound....

I then used scripting to reduce it to just the CORB[x] lines and that gives us the attached smaller list of 944 CORB commands (attachment Play2Slim).