Comment 146 for bug 1851518

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jhubuntu20 (jhubuntu20) wrote :

Yes, thank you for the brightness fix.

If it helps, I did remember the changes to make to the common.c file for logging. In that bsd article you can ignore most of the text, but somewhere in the middleish there is a hyper link that says something like my hack. If you click on it, it shows you in git hub the changes to make to common.c. Otherwise its just the instructions I sent.

Also, I could be wrong and its just my opinion, but I don't believe there is a verb that would burn out the amp and I believe it is one smart AKG amp for the entire laptop. You could easily have a bad speaker as its a new machine, but I doubt its from the verbs. Part of the struggle I had when finding the verbs was that some sequences would turn on just one speaker and sometimes the audio was garbled, so based on that experience, I would tend to believe you just don't have the right verb set. It was a challenge to get a small set of verbs that worked very consistently. If you are going to return the laptop anyway and have not tried it yet, I would also recommend just trying a completely fresh 22.04 install and the 8 steps we discussed above (with either set of verbs). I honestly think that might work and will be simpler than qemu.