Comment 143 for bug 1851518

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Drew R. (drew-rosoff) wrote :

Thank you for your latest script. I did a diff, crossing my fingers to find a difference, but it was only your commented out line starting pulse audio... so they're the same :/

And thanks for the pacmd output. At first when I compared yours and mine, they were the same... except my sinks, etc. were numbered starting at 0, while yours start at 1 (though the same devices were listed in the same order). But then in trying certain configurations, the outputs now show identical. (I am not positive, but I think it's when I went back to blacklisting snd-hda-intel for a moment that they became identical, so its possible that module just isn't loading for you, and maybe that's preferable).

I found the quirk 'alc298-samsung-amp' the other day, and also tried a lot of configurations with that (using "options snd-hda-intel model=alc298-samsung-amp"), but still no go. I was working on two theories: 1) There's some small difference that matters between your machine and mine, and trying to find it. Or alternatively, 2) There's no important difference between our machines, but because your machine reports as the "930XED", which is probably listed, while mine reports as the "950XEE", which probably isn't listed, there are just some quirks that are automatically getting activated for your machine but not for mine... So I was trying to find those quirks (I'd love if there was a way to 'spoof', and just make everything report that I had the "930XED" to see what happened, but don't know if thats possible).

I'm still collecting ideas, because I strangely refuse to give up. And I may start next down the whole qemu route. Two questions: 1) You say its fairly difficult, doing the subsetting during playback, cause it turns the card off shortly after turning it on... But you do hear sound at some point in the process, right? That's all I need to keep me going, just a little sound for a second ;). Also, 2) Do you happen to have a url of a good blogpost/set of instructions that you followed for that? I think the one I used pointed to an old version of the custom qemu to compile, because there were just way too many compilation problems. (I have my own windows partition, and I've downloaded the windows realtek driver, so I'd love to just use that, but I gather it has to be with a custom emulator to do the codec sniffing).