Comment 137 for bug 1851518

Revision history for this message
jhubuntu20 (jhubuntu20) wrote :

Hi Drew,

Since creating the script I have also upgraded to a GalaxyBook2 Pro (NP930XED) running 22.04 and the script was required (i.e. the latest kernels don't automatically fix issue), but the script continues to work fine for me on both headphones are speakers. Personally I would recommend upgrading from the 5.15 kernel because it doesn't work fully with the intel grpahics (im running 6.0.6-060006-generic now), but that is unrelated. Here are the full steps I did again that work for me ... I still have not figured out how to make the screen brightness control functional on the book 2 pro, but also a different story...

- placed script and set as 777 +x
- Create daemon for boot

  sudo gedit /etc/systemd/system/ionsound.service

                Add text in file
           Description=Custom Sound

          ExecStart={enter your path to script}/


  sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/ionsound.service

- Create daemon for sleep exit

  sudo gedit /etc/systemd/system/ionsoundsleep.service

                Add text in file
           Description=Custom Sound Sleep Fix

          ExecStart={enter your path to script}/


  sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/ionsoundsleep.service

- Activate daemons

  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  sudo systemctl enable ionsound.service
  sudo systemctl enable ionsoundsleep.service

Note, I left the names as Ion because I was too lazy to change, but nothing in here is ion specific and this does work on your model. You can change naming if you like as long as you change it everywhere...

For the kernel part, if you haven't already discovered the mainline tool for kernel mgmt then I would highly recommend trying it....

        sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cappelikan/ppa -y
 sudo apt install mainline -y
 Launch mainline GUI and pick kernel to install