Comment 47 for bug 1850702

Revision history for this message
Filipe Garrett (wowbaggerbr) wrote :

An update: testing some more, I can confirm that there were improvements on volume, now it is definetely louder: if it weren't the buzzing effect on the sound, I could say it was fixed. On the other hand, the louder it gets the more noticeable the distortion became.

Oh, and I noticed that both of the new kernels are throwing some acpi related errors on boot and on shutdown. I didn't really look that much about them online - so I don't really know if they are serious or not - but as far as I can tell, everything else that was working on the laptop remains so.

I redownloaded and reinstalled the 5.5.2 and saw some errors related to Nvidia drivers on install as well. But as I'm runnnig it with integrated graphics, I can't say if there's problem awaiting me as soon as I jump to the dedicated graphics.