Comment 14 for bug 1847892

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arQon (pf.arqon) wrote :

Sorry Kai - I got swamped by real-life issues.

I finally got the time to look into this a few days ago, and when I went to check on it then in case a kernel update had fixed things already, it looks like it has (or at least, mostly so) - peaks are back to 80+, so that's within wifi variance again.

It did show a strange very severe falloff in a couple of tests - down to 40-ish for several seconds during large file transfer, which is new. But I haven't been able to repeat that anything like enough to be able to test versions against it.

I'm set up to DO that testing if I can find a good way to repro that, or for the next time performance goes in the tank. For now though, this is going to have to sit in the "I'll keep an eye on it, but can't do anything right now" pile.

Thanks again for all your help.