Comment 13 for bug 1847892

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arQon (pf.arqon) wrote :

Thanks Kai.

Yes, I really want to use Ubuntu kernel to bisect: or at least, I need the option to be able to - because if the problem is coming from the Ubuntu patchset, I could spend weeks bisecting mainline and never find it, whereas if I bisect the Ubuntu tree I'm guaranteed to find it and that one can be mapped back to mainline if needed, whereas we can't go the other way around.

The other critical aspect to having the Ubuntu tree available is that it gives me the Ubuntu 5.0.0-23 build as a sanity check, it case the problem is being caused elsewhere. Remember, this is *wifi* we're talking about: any number of pieces could be to blame, from a power outage resetting something in the router (20/40 coexistence, for example) to physical antennas in multiple devices, and so on. I need a way to validate beyond question that it IS the kernel that's at fault before I go any further with this to avoid risking wasting everybody's time, including yours. :)

Anyway, now that I have that info I'll free up a Passport and get things underway. Thanks again.