Comment 19 for bug 184314

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gnuslov (gnuslov) wrote :


So, to simplify everything, here's what you need to do to get your headphones working:

I recommend you follow the steps from Shang Wu's post above, linked here:

You could use the patch_via.c that I uploaded, but I think the alteration from the forum is better, as it seems to me that the patch_via.c from via-linux-audiopackV1.5.tar.gz is a bit of a nasty hack and the one on the forums is more elegant.

After you finish with all of that, you will need to type into your command line "cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/sound", then "sudo rm -r alsa-driver". *This step is important*. You need to get rid of the conflicting default ubuntu drivers. And you can't keep them around inside of the /lib/modules/ directories, or they'll continue to conflict, even if you try to back them up by changing the directory name as was done in a post above. (though maybe you could move them into your home directory or something, just anything to get them out of your kernel modules directories. I didn't bother to back them up because i think it's a simple enough thing to simply reinstall the kernel modules package and overwrite any damage you may have done. And anyway, it sure feels good to delete these things after you've been fighting with them for ages, like i have.)

After you've gotten the ubuntu/sound/alsa-driver out of the way, it's time to create a symbolic link in its place. while still in that directory, run "sudo ln -s ../../kernel/sound/ alsa-driver"

Reboot, and now you should be good to go.

Though keep in mind, you'll probably have to redo part of this each time a kernel update comes along. I recommend that you keep around the folder that the alsa-drivers source lives in (and that you modified patch_via.c in, ran ./configure in, make, etc) and whenever your headphones stop working after a kernel update just run sudo make install from inside there, and follow the steps above to delete ubuntu/sound/alsa-driver and create a symbolic link.