Comment 0 for bug 1830522

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Shiko (shiko-r) wrote :

I've bougt new notebook with ryzen 3550h onboard (Asus fx705dy) and noticed one thing: whenever the cpu is fully loaded and the gpu is being used the cpu sets its freqeuncy to 400MHz and system works slow untill reboot.

For example:I installed Android Studio. When I open large project in it and open youtube video in browser or start emulator system works on max frequency for couple of seconds and then lowers cpu frequency to 400MHz. If I just compile the project it'll work nice until using gpu.

Another example is I can compile Unreal Engine within 1.5 hours without such problems if I just let notebook do it without browsing internet.

I've tried a lot of things like settings cpufreq mode to performance (sudo cpufreq-set -r -g performance), disabling c6 state etc.

The only workaround I found for now is disabling boost for cpu by executing
echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost

Any idea how to work on this system without disabling cpu boost?