Comment 63 for bug 182473

Revision history for this message
Vit Svarc (vs-pb) wrote :


I have Asus P5W DH motherboard, where is this card also integrated as USB device.
I have exactly same problems as many times described in this thread - loosing wifi connection.
My system is Ubuntu 8.04 64bit, kernel 2.6.24-19-generic, but the same behaviour was in previous 2.6.24-*-generic too.

I tried following:

Somewhere I read, that it helps to install backports modules - it didn't help
Somewhere I read, that it helps to set the rate to 5.5M - iwconfig wlan0 rate 5.5M auto - it didn't help
Disabled IPv6 - it didn't help
Somewhere I read that the problems are not in driver as itself, but in NetworkManager gnome applet - so I disabled nm-applet - it didn't help

The behaviour is still the same - after loosing connection, I can try /etc/init.d/networking restart , sometimes it helps to do only this, but in most cases, I can see in dmesg timeout for WEP auth. afterthat. Sometimes (not always), when I run dmesg again, I can see new records, that authentication frame was recieved, but wlan0 is not in authentication mode. After performing next networking restart, it starts to work again.
But when the last message in dmesg is still the timeout problem, the only solution is to remove the dirver and and insert it again.

Did someone manage to solve this problem without using ndiswrapper?
I am also prepared to post log files or something what can help.