Comment 28 for bug 1797581

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

I must admit, compared to you just sharing your kernel/initrd/squash asking to install an own dev maas in comment #23 consumes quite some time :-/
Waiting for a sync here, setting up users there, sorting out how to make us provide PXE and such on the "maas" virtual network, ... - it just isn't one click and ready.

Initially things worked other than the unexpected "wait for image sync".
I've got a Pod registered and working to get to libvirt data.

But compose blocks at:
"Pod unable to compose machine: Please add a 'default' or 'maas' network whose bridge is on a MAAS DHCP enabled VLAN. Ensure that libvirt DHCP is not enabled."

Well that is clear, but a link where/how to get MAAS dhcp/pxe to own that vlan would be nice.
Maybe something small and easy for you that would help to be added.

When I go to subnets to create one (to have maas own it) for that I created following your link it tells me the subnet already exists "Error: Subnet with this Cidr already exists." - but it isn't in the subnet overview so I can't enable DHCP/PXE on it :-/

My overview suffers a bit from the links you had adding sample-data, I cleaned up a lot of demo-BS and can now see more clearly. I'd want to add a subnet to my fabric that I called "libvirt-maas" being the virbr1 "maas" definition by libvirt.
Afterwards I still get "Error: Subnet with this Cidr already exists."

Well it might conflict with the "" set up by.
Lets try to set up another subnet, that worked.
Also added a range of IPs in the hope that this would switch DHCP on, but it didn't

So on the subnet's own page "managed allocation" is enabled.
But when clicking on the top menu subnets the column for DHCP in the table is "disabled"

Anyway, lets try to compose something ...
No, still blocked at "Pod unable to compose machine: Please add a 'default' or 'maas' network whose bridge is on a MAAS DHCP enabled VLAN. Ensure that libvirt DHCP is not enabled."

That exceeds what I can find on [2] for DHCP enabling, but still refuses me.
Since reusing maas DHCP/PXE setup is exactly what I wanted to debug for/with you I'm stuck, lost time and we are not a bit further on this bug here :-/

Now trying to squeeze your PXE config into tftp/libvirt manually without MAAS - lets see if I can reproduce via that.
