Comment 5 for bug 1760261

Revision history for this message
Fritz Hudnut (este-el-paz) wrote :

@ Joseph S:

So I downloaded the daily from the Ubuntu-MATE daily, as that is the package I have been working with and having the problem with, so the 4/2/18 daily and burned it to DVD as previously, install runs well, no errors or crashes . . . but this time I tried the old recommendation to shut down after install, rather than just reboot . . . GRUB window loads fine . . . but, the problem remains--entering password in the GUI log in window . . . goes to various forms of black . . . and then back into the log in window. Previous to the install I booted the live session and it loaded the system just fine and I fiddled with a few apps, set the time . . . all that more or less went well, I tried to launch "Appearance" and that did crash, and I tried again and it opened--but the crash reporter opened and I added my name to a previous bug . . . and then I tried the fresh install after that.

As part of the back story, I "zsync'd" the daily and zsync showed the previous file was "94.3% complete" . . . so after the daily was zsync'd I thought I would just try to update/upgrade the prior installation to see if the log in problem was fixed . . . going that way by using the TTY . . . and that didn't fix the problem, so I went to fresh install.

Also, following a recommend from the U-MATE forum I tried to reboot into Recovery . . . and in selecting "enable networking" . . . a menu like list of tasks started . . . ending with "reached target swap" and then it returned to a blinking cursor for several minutes . . . when I ctrl C'd out of it the rest of the ?? dmesg?? hardware items ran through, but the recovery menu did not load again to try to run "dpkg" . . . so it appears things still aren't correct in Recovery??

Again, after the install I rebooted several times, logged into a TTY session, ran update/upgrade, there were "21 packages" to install . . . it seemed to "get" 4 of them, but then other packages were seemingly "unpacked" . . . packages that were nabbed in recovery?? but not "installed" . . . it's still a bit odd. In the TTY I ran "ls -l /home/username" . . . and as before it shows the directories and files that are in the /home filesystem . . . so the TTY is letting me log in upgrade/update . . . the /home filesystem is "found" but the GUI is not letting me log in.