Comment 45 for bug 1753662

Revision history for this message
Joseph Salisbury (jsalisbury) wrote :

Yes that is the correct kernel. The mainline-build-one script uses the 'git describe' command to come up with the name. That command returns the closest git tag and not the one that contains it. So in the case of commit d38162e4b5c643733792f32be4ea107c831827b4:

git describe d38162e4b5c643733792f32be4ea107c831827b4

However, that test kernel is actually using commits in -rc4, which you can see if the '--contains' option is given to git describe:

git describe --contains d38162e4b5c643733792f32be4ea107c831827b4

I can continue to build the kernels, there are about 3 left. It only takes about 15 minutes to build the kernel for me.