Comment 481 for bug 1734147

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Ricardo Arredondo (moneyman1978) wrote :

I seem to have had the issue for a long long time. Without knowing i had the issue i kept using Ubuntu 17.10 and never really had any use for another OS. What i did in error then was i was trying to delete a partition from a USB drive to try to convert my y50-70 to a Hackintosh. Unfortunatly i made a huge mistake. Instead of deleting my EFI partition from usb drive i deleted it from my SSD. So i was left with a broken Laptop. I then decided ok i am handy sometimes lets see if i can fix it. So i took out my hard drive careful not to write anything to it and i was shocked when testdisk did not help be bring back the erased partition. Well then i tried to build a PXE boot server (long rabbit hole later) i was able to spin up a FOG server that could install ubuntu 16.04 on to another laptop. HOPE! WRONG it kernel panics and does not install. So here i am hoping someone out there can help with just giving me a backup of their hard drive that i can bring back from another box and the get rid of my issue. please contact me if you can do this for me.