Comment 0 for bug 1709889

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bugproxy (bugproxy) wrote : Ubuntu 17.04: Bug in cfq scheduler, I/Os do not get submitted to adapter for a very long time.

---Problem Description---
When running stress test, sometimes seeing IO hung in dmesg or seeing "Host adapter abort request" error.

---Steps to Reproduce---
 There are two ways to re-create the issues:
(1)running HTX, you will see IO timeout backtrace in dmesg in several hours
(2)running some IO test, then reboot system, repeat this two steps, it takes long time to re-create the issue.

---uname output---

The bulk of the effort for this issue is currently being worked in MicroSemi's JIRA

Ran an interesting test: Ran HTX until I started getting the "stall" messages on the console, then shutdown HTX and examined the I/O counters for the tested disks in sysfs:

root@bostonp15:~# for i in /sys/devices/pci0003:00/0003:00:00.0/0003:01:00.0/host0/target0:2:[2345]/0:2:[2345]:0; do echo ${i##*/} $(<${i}/iorequest_cnt) $(<${i}/iodone_cnt); done
0:2:2:0 0x5eba3d 0x5eba3d
0:2:3:0 0x773cc9 0x773cc9
0:2:4:0 0x782c61 0x782c61
0:2:5:0 0x5ca134 0x5ca134

So, none of the disks showed any evidence of having lost an I/O. I then restarted HTX and aside from having to manually restart one of the disks, see no problems with the testing. It appears that what was "hung" was purely in userland.

This does not absolve the kernel or aacraid driver from blame, but it shows that the OS "believes" that it completed the I/O and thus removed it from the queue. What we don't know is whether the OS truly notified HTX about the completion, or if HTX (or userland libraries) just failed to process the notification.

Tests are running again, will see what happens next.

Update from JIRA:

I have run some more experiments. Not sure what it tells us, but here's what I've seen.

First test, ran until I got kernel messages about stalled tasks, then shutdown HTX. After HTX was down, I checked the above mentioned counters and found that on each disk iorequest_cnt matched iodone_cnt. The disks were usable and I could restart HTX. This suggests that the problem is not in the PM8069 firmware, and makes the case for the aacraid driver having a bug somewhat weaker. However, this merely says that the driver "completed" the I/O as far as the kernel is concerned, not that a completion rippled back to the application.

I restarted HTX and have run until errors. This time, I am leaving HTX running and observing. Two of the disks reached the HTX error threshold and the testers stopped (those 2 disks are now idle). Another disks saw errors but then stopped and appears to be running fine now. The last disk has not seen any errors (yet). On the two idle (errored-out) disks I see iorequest_cnt matches iodone_cnt. I am able to "terminate and restart" the two idle disks and HTX appears to be testing them again "normally". Note that no reboot was required, further supporting the evidence that, as far as the kernel is concerned, there is nothing wrong with the disks and their I/O paths.

So, I don't believe this completely eliminates aacraid from the picture, especially given we don't see this behavior on other systems/drivers. But, it probably moves the focus of the investigation away form the adapter firmware.

Tried build upstream 4.11 kernel on Ubuntu. This still gets the hangs. Both Ubuntu 4.10 and upstream 4.11 have aacraid driver 1.2.1[50792]-custom.

Good new/bad news... While doing an initial evaluation of the LSI-3008 SAS HBA on Boston and Ubuntu 17.04, I am hitting this same problem. So, it appears to have nothing specific to do with the PM8069 or aacraid driver.

Some notes on reproduce this. I have been using the github release of HTX, built using the following steps:

1. apt install make gcc g++ git libncurses5-dev libcxl-dev libdapl-dev (others may be required)
2. git clone
3. cd HTX
4. make
5. make deb

Then install the resulting "htxubuntu.deb" package.

Note, HTX will not test disks that have a filesystem or OS installed, so there must be at least two disks made available to HTX by clearing any previous data. A partition table is optional, in my testing I have none.

Also, it may be desirable to run HTX somewhere other than the console, leaving the console free to watch for messages.

To run:

A. su - htx (this may take some time)
B. htx
C. Select the test file ""
D. Hit ENTER for default log file option
E. Once menu is display, select item 2 (Enable/disable hardware to test)
    E1. Enter "h" to disable (halt) all devices testing
    E2. Select at least two disks for testing (enter their line numbers)
    E3. Enter "q" to return to main menu
F. Select item "4" (Continue On Error flags)
    F1. Enter line numbers for each disk previously selected to test.
    F2. Enter "q" to return to main menu.
G. Select item "1" to begin the test exercisers.
H. Optionally, select item "5" to display status of testing.

After about 10-12 hours, there should be a few "INFO: task hxestorage:XXXXX blocked for more than 120 seconds." messages with stack traces. The typical stack trace is:

 sysctl_sched_migration_cost+0x0/0x4 (unreliable)

About 8 minutes after the "blocked" messages, you should start to see HTX reporting errors in "/tmp/htxerr" (HTX reports errors for I/Os that do not complete in 10 minutes, but continues to run).

With added debugging, it was seen that the I/Os do eventually complete, but in some cases it can take over an hour. It is also observed that I/O traffic continues through these periods of stalls, and so only a portion of the total I/O traffic actually gets stalled. The system does not hang, and if HTX is shutdown (stopped), any stalled I/Os will complete immediately.

Referencing LP1469829, it seems that it was requested that "cfq" scheduler not be used by default as it has this exact sort of bug, and that "deadline" should be used instead. Somewhere, the default got reverted back to "cfq" which exposes this bug again. It appears that the bug in "cfq" was never fixed, either.

A couple upstream commits of interest, ordered by perceived relevance.