Comment 1 for bug 1671397

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

thank you for your report.
Lacking a VNX I can't right away try to reproduce, but I quickly checked the BIM DS8K I had.
One thing I wondered is that I thought the produce/vendor data there displayed by multipath is only what it got back on a scsi inquiry.
AFAIK - multipath-tools make no decision there "what" it should be.
It certainly has rules that filter/handle different types differently - but as I said I thought it is just the reply to the scsi inquiry to the device that populates the data.

Your report has inq.LinuxAMD64 listing them all as VRAID.
But AFAIK the inq.LinuxAMD64 is an EMC specific tool not packaged up in Ubuntu.

I'd like to understand what the linux tooling would get on those.
Could you report the output of:
for dev in sdf sdg sdh sdi; do sudo sg_inq /dev/${dev}; done

If that is showing VRAID we have to think about stale type data in multipath.
But if that shows LUNZ as well it might be different inquiry handling.

Also I just wanted to check, the two logins both worked the same way - as LUNZs are removed when the real login works there might have been a difference there maybe?