Comment 38 for bug 1602888

Revision history for this message
Peter (peter-biely) wrote :

This is what I am using, but I am not taking any responsibility of damage caused on your laptop. :) Also you can play with the temps to get the fan speeds to you satisfaction...

# /etc/i8kmon.conf
# Run as daemon, override with --daemon option
set config(daemon) 0

# Automatic fan control, override with --auto option
set config(auto) 1

# Report status on stdout, override with --verbose option
set config(verbose) 1

# Status check timeout (seconds), override with --timeout option
set config(timeout) 20

# For computer with 2 fans, use a variant of this instead:
# Temperature thresholds: {fan_speeds low_ac high_ac low_batt high_batt}
set config(0) {{0 0} -1 55 -1 55}
set config(1) {{1 1} 36 65 36 65}
set config(2) {{1 1} 50 75 50 75}
set config(3) {{2 2} 70 128 70 128}

# end of file