Comment 12 for bug 1550779

Revision history for this message
Hubert Hesse (hubx) wrote : Re: [i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun - Xorg glitches

So it turn out when I rebuild the package for 4.2.0-27 I already see that glitches occurring in that specific kernel version. So it look like there is difference between the package I built and the official package or I screwed up the build process?

Here is what I did, I have to say the wik page you linked was very verbose. I know what git bisect works, however I don't how to build a Ubuntu kernel package (kteam-tools produced some errors for me)

I took the steps from
Can you check if those steps should produce a correct package?

sudo apt-get install git build-essential kernel-package fakeroot libncurses5-dev libssl-dev ccache --no-install-recommends # because of texlive

git clone git://
cd ubuntu-wily/
cp -a /usr/share/kernel-package ubuntu-package

cp debian/control-scripts/{postinst,postrm,preinst,prerm} ubuntu-package/pkg/image/
cp debian/control-scripts/headers-postinst ubuntu-package/pkg/headers/

# set up ccache because I thought this will save time while bisecting -- however mostly cache misses
vim ~/.bashrc
if [ -d /usr/lib/ccache ]; then
        export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:"${PATH}"
        export CCACHE_NLEVELS=5
ccache -M 10G

cp /boot/config-4.2.0-27-generic .config
make localmodconfig # because building all modules takes forever
make oldconfig

CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom --overlay-dir=$(pwd)/ubuntu-package kernel_image kernel_headers

cd ..
dpkg -i *.deb

#git tag --list
#git bisect start
#git bisect good Ubuntu-4.2.0-27.32
#git bisect bad Ubuntu-4.2.0-30.36
# Here I did noticed that after the 6 commits all commits where bad. Then I checked the assumption that "Ubuntu-4.2.0-27.32" was good, it was not