Comment 16 for bug 1527491

Revision history for this message
Seiichi Nakashima (ubuntu-linuxer) wrote :

I found a new ch341.c source code.


and I wanted to build a module ch341.ko on ubuntu16.04(Japanese) that
kenerl-4.4.0-81-generic, but could not build. I think that ch341.c
was changed interface to upper module. ch341.c in github is about 640 lines.
so I search kernel in The Linux Kernel Archives that ch341.c has same size.
then I found kernel-4.11.6(but now 4.11.7).

I build kernel-4.11.6 on ubuntu16.04, I build kernel-image, but could not
build kernel-headers. I install kernel-image to use dpkg command. and I
use minicom to communicate HL-340, and work fine.

also I build kernel-4.11.6 on slackware64-14.2, HL-340 also work fine.