Comment 4 for bug 1511383

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Clinton Wright (clintonabco) wrote :

Hi gnunified. I have had a freezing problem with games and anything that uses graphics as part of its main function with this particular hardware:

Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Integrated

I was doing some google searches and stumbled across a humble workaround that has stopped the freezing for me.

Depending on your distro, you will have to specify the an option in your xorg.conf for the intel driver to workaround this issue.

Change your device driver section to the following:

Section "Device"
  Driver "intel"
  Option "AccelMethod" "sna"

The default option I think/believe, which is seems to be causing the freezing issue is the following, depending on the distro:

Option "AccelMethod" "uax"

All I have done is changed this to "uxa" to "sna".

I made this change and tested it, and it has successfully rectified my issue.

Please try this and see if it works for you.

Kind regards,