Comment 31 for bug 1499556

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Ed Novak (ejnovak) wrote :


Thank you for working with me so closely on this issue! I know it may seem tedious, but to me it's very annoying and I would love to have the issue fixed.

I have tried Kernels 4.3-rc7, 4.3-rc6, and 4.3-rc5 Unfortunately, all of them exhibited the reboot / shutdown bug. I have not had a chance to move down the list and frankly, I am a bit reluctant to.

When I switched to these kernels, for some reason it introduced some bugs / problems that corrupted my .KDE folder and I had to reset it (which was very annoying). I also had to switch off of the fglrx driver as it is not supported / built for the newest unstable kernels apparently.

Is there anyway I can continue to test the kernels listed here:;O=D with some live media so that I don't affect my current install of Ubuntu? I would love to aid the community in continuing to help track down and fix this but. Not having a working .kde profile (and messing with the drivers via tty1) is not my idea of usable! :P I'm afraid that continuing to try other kernels will have adverse effects on other parts of my system.

Thank you again, looking forward to your advice on how to move forward.