Comment 8 for bug 1467691

Revision history for this message
Jeff Miller (jefferym) wrote :

I performed some tests by booting into single user mode with single on the grub line.

I tested, just a single invocation each of the following s2ram commands:

s2ram -f : fail
s2ram -f -a 1 : ok
s2ram -f -a 2 : fail - monitor powers on but gives a "non optimal mode" floating dialog from the monitor.
s2ram -f -a 3 : ok
s2ram -f -p -s : ok
s2ram -f -s : ok
s2ram -f -p : ok
s2ram -f -a 1 -m : ok
s2ram -f -a 1 -s : ok - says "Function not supported?" when it resumes but it seems to work.
s2ram -f -m : fail - montior comes on and complains of "non optimal mode"
s2ram -f -p -m : ok

Note, this is without the i915 module loaded. I can gather more module info on request in this state.