Comment 25 for bug 1460768

Revision history for this message
tomoke (oket) wrote :

In addition to the link in #24 I found that I also had to enter: ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest

and do an "ln -s ../r0drv/" to avoid the error:

make[4]: *** No rule to make target `ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/r0drv/alloc-r0drv.o', needed by `ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/vboxguest.o'. Stop.
make[3]: *** [ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest] Error 2

Was building a: linux-lts-vivid-3.19.0 with the procedure:

make-kpkg -j N --initrd --append-to-version=my-very-own-kernel kernel-image kernel-headers