Comment 21 for bug 1451387

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aimwin (aimausy) wrote : Re: Ubuntu UEFI install locks out UEFI firmware

I had a long chat with Fujitsu Technician who fix somany LH532 in Thailand, which sold with no OS and Ubuntu destroy Bios.
Unfortunately the Warranty has expired and there for they don't need to support them any longer.
They delete the Bios files for the reason they don't want to have anything to do with that problems any longer.
 And warn that even in Thailand they sold a few models.
The Bios is for preinstall Widows OS will be different than Bios version with no OS,
even though they have the "same version no."/

If you have the wrong version burn into the Bios Chip, you will have a dead main board,
and they did have the dead ones before they learn that.

With those problems, Fujitsu decide to remove Bios download from the public websites,
at least for Asia-Pacific region, and I could not find them for the US and Canada also.
And we are left in Cold.

The technician has opinion that it was Ubuntu that Block the use of F2 and F12 functions.
So who ever wrote those parts of the Ubuntu installaion routine, should revise what they have done.
You cannot blame Fujitsu, these robust notebook, did not break and UBUNTU hack into their Bios and stuff it up.

He also warn that Fujitsu will not honour any warranty if it found their Bios is tampered with.
And they stop selling the non OS notebook, only preinstalled window 8 with GPT partitions only.
And If we change that to MBR and installed other OS, Fujitsu Technician said that will also void the warranty.

It means If I bought new Fujitsu ( I am about to do that) we will be risking void the warranty,
and the Fujitsu Technicians confirm, they are not supplied with Bios for new models at all.
(The main factory don't want them to mess up the mainboard again while under Warranty.)
So they could not help us fix the Bios problems any longer.

He also confirmed that by removing CMOS batteries for LH 532 .
I will reset only the date, not the Bios settings.
And only the CL1 AND CL2 short circuit is the only way to get the F12 BACK.

Now I hope those Kernel or grup or iNSTALLATION team GURUs will try to fgure out.
How to unblock the work that they hack into Fujitsu Bios or their UEFI manipulation.


I will reformat MBR 1TB and install 15.04 as you instructed.
I will later do GPT 1TB, it may be 2 days now before I could finish all these testiong, since holiday is over in Thailand today.
